Posts Tagged 'design'

ZZ Plant

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It is not often that a new variety of houseplant is introduced. Our industry was very excited when the Dutch nurseries began growing the ZZ Plant commercially in the late 1990’s. Since then this plant has enjoyed an ever -increasing popularity with interior landscape contractors, designers and house plant enthusiasts worldwide. This plant is very unique, with dark green, glossy oval leaves arranged in a herringbone pattern on thick stems. It can tolerate a wide range of lighting conditions which ...

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Dracaena – unique new cultivars

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The interior landscape industry would certainly struggle without the endless variety offered by the Dracaena genus of tropical plant. Dracaenas are the staples of the industry. These plants are hardy, can tolerate a wide range of light and temperature levels and are pest and disease resistant. It is rare to see a plantscape design that doesn’t include a least a few varieties of Dracaena. They are available in so many forms and sizes, from small specimens suitable for mixed arrangements, ...

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Umbrella Tree (Schefflera ‘Amate’)- Plant of the Month

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Looking for a plant for the office or home that is relatively easy to care for and has good size and impact? The Umbrella Tree is a great choice. This hardy plant, native to tropical rainforests in Australia and New Guinea, is available from 2 feet in height up to 6 or 7 feet. It is very full with large, dark green, shiny leaves. It will survive in offices lit with good overhead fluorescent lighting and some natural light. Do ...

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Wax Plant (Hoya carnosa) – Plant of the Month

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The Wax Plant (Hoya carnosa) is not a plant you will find in many people’s houseplant collections. This is unfortunate, as it is one of the most unique and hardy indoor tropical plants. The common name comes from the texture of the leaves. They are very thick and firm, with a smooth surface. They look almost artificial. The Wax Plant is a bit more pricey than the more common tropical plants, but well worth the splurge, and the effort to ...

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Plant of the Month – Aralia (Polyscias species)

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Looking for an unusual but striking tropical office plant that you will not see in the big box stores? Consider one of the many species of Aralia. These elegant and interesting plants can be a bit tricky to care for, but in the hands of a professional interior landscaper, they can be a unique addition to a plantscape. The three most common species are the Ming aralia (Polyscias fruticosa), Balfour or Dinnerplate aralia (Polyscias balfouriana) and the Chicken gizzard aralia ...

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Plant of the Month – Ponytail Palm (Nolina recurvata)

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The Ponytail palm is a popular tropical plant great for both office plantscapes and as a houseplant. This unique plant is actually not a true palm. It is a member of the Lily family and native to the deserts of Mexico. It is sometimes called an Elephant’s foot due to its unique trunk which stores water. It is most often sold as a small table-top plant, either with a single plant or several smaller plants in a clump. Larger specimens ...

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Plant of the Month – Chamaedorea erumpens (Bamboo Palm)

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The Bamboo Palm is an elegant and versatile tropical plant great for use in office plantscapes. It is a multi-stem member of the Palm family usually sold at 4-6ft in height. It requires medium light making it suitable for many locations within an office. The bright green canes resemble Bamboo stalks and the leaves are delicate and drooping. A unique feature of this plant is that the leaflets at the end of the leaves are several times wider than the ...

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Plant of the Month – Ficus binnendijkii ‘Alii’ (Alii Ficus)

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The Ficus binnendijkii ‘Alii’ or Alii Ficus tree is a less commonly seen species of the Ficus genus. Most people are familiar with the Ficus benjamina or Benji tree. The Ficus ‘Alii’ has longer, more slender leaves which droop somewhat. Like the Benjamina, the Ficus ‘Alii’ requires good light. We will only recommend this tree if it will be positioned close to a west or south window. In light that is too low, the tree will quickly shed its leaves. ...

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Plant of the Month – Dracaena reflexa

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Looking for a hardy, versatile and easy to grow plant for your home or office? Consider one of the varieties of Dracaena reflexa. This is one of my personal favourites. Its shiny green or variegated, elongated leaves grow in a unique spiral arrangement. It grows relatively quickly and branches into interesting twisted forms. When pruned, the cuttings will readily take root in water or soil and will develop quickly into a new plant.
It is tolerant of a wide range ...

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Healthy roots, healthy plant!

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Beautiful green and lush foliage on a tropical plant is the result of what you don’t see: a strong healthy root system below. Why are strong roots important? Roots are like our heart, lungs, and digestive tract. They take up water, air and nutrients from the soil and move them up to the leaves where through photosynthesis, the plant is able to manufacture the energy it needs to grow and thrive. The roots also produce chemicals that affect the bacteria and ...

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