
Your guide to office plant care, tips and resources

Sansevieria trifasciata

Sansevieria (Snake Plant)

  The Allure of the Snake Plant Almost everyone is familiar with the upright, thick, uniquely coloured leaves of the Sansevieria plant, also referred to as the Snake plant or Mother-in-Law's tongue. This is a hardy plant suitable for lower light areas of the...
Ficus benjamina Weeping Ficus Benji Tree

Ficus benjamina (Weeping Fig Tree, Benji Tree)

What Makes the Weeping Fig So Special? Aesthetic Appeal The Weeping Fig Tree, aka  the 'Benji Tree', is a  tropical plant frequently requested by our clients. This is likely due to its widespread use and availability, but this tree seems to have universal appeal. It...
Peace Lily

Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

The Peace Lily: A Popular Choice for your Office Plantscape or Home Office If you're looking for a plant that will bring a touch of tranquility and elegance into your office or home, look no further than the Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum). This beautiful and resilient...


A Fascinating Journey into the World of Orchids Orchids are among the most diverse and captivating plants in the world, with over 25,000 species and more than 100,000 hybrids. These stunning flowers have long captured the imagination of botanists, gardeners, and...

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Living Wall – Moore Park Plantscapes Style

Living Wall – Moore Park Plantscapes Style

  A unique way to display your office plants Would you like to have the benefits of a green wall in your office without the significant capital investment and maintenance fees of an integrated living wall? Consider our simple alternative. Over the years we have...

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Schefflera ‘Amate’ (Umbrella Tree)

Schefflera ‘Amate’ (Umbrella Tree)

The Schefflera 'Amate, commonly known as the Umbrella Tree, is a favorite among interior landscapers for its lush foliage and easygoing nature. If you're looking to add a touch of green to your home or office, this plant is a fantastic choice! Here’s a friendly guide...

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